Canción con el nombre William

Colour Green - Sibylle Baier

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Letra de Colour Green - Sibylle Baier

Id been a girl and wandering.
Frequented my late afternoon
summer in New York City,
wearin the sweater colour green.

So one night I sat down in a chair and knitted there.

Years after trying to lead a womans life, I met a friend who had a red-haired wife.

She said to me, Woman, Id like your clothes. Come on and let us try both and take tender care. And when you need help I will be there

Memories and seasons achieve their affairs. Sometime in April the sweater I wear. Sometime in April the letter I read.

He wrote to me: Dear friend, I think of you on the top of Empire State. Dear friend, Im lonesome. Dear friend, Ive been well. How do you spell your name? The city has changed me. I am no longer the same.

He wrote to me: Woman, Id like to stay. Liberty Statue has got so many stars, but when you need help I will be there.

Id been a girl and wandering.
Frequented my late afternoon summer in New York City, wearin the sweater colour green

(Thanks to s. h. for these lyrics)

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