Canción con el nombre Victoria

Victoria - Old 97s

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Letra de Victoria - Old 97s

This is the story of Victoria Lee,
She started off on Percodan and ended up with me.
She lived in Berkeley til the earthquake shook her loose.
She lives in Texas now where nothin ever moves.

Victoria you talk so low that no one else can hear,
Unless you point your megaphone directly at their ear.
This is the story of Victoria Lee,
She started on Rohypinol and ended up with me.

Youd like to think theyre your friends, but theyre not your friends,
And in the end a friends the one youll never know, oh dont you know?
Youd like to think youre groovy, its your movie, you see through me, but its true,
And in the end youll know, Victoria dont go. Victoria, Victoria dont go.

This is the story of Victorias heart,
You might think its stupid, but I still think its art.
She lost her lover to an accident at sea.
She pushed him overboard and ended up with me.

Victoria, you dance so fast that no one else can see.
Victoria I hope you use just one more dance for me.
This is the story of Victorias heart.
Its a really big one, and I dont know where to start.
(Occasionally used on early versions of Victoria Lee)

Youd like to think theyre your friends, but theyre not your friends,
And in the end a friends the one youll never know, oh dont you know?
Youd like to think youre groovy, its your movie, you see through me, but its true,
And in the end youll know, Victoria dont go. Victoria, Victoria dont go.

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