Canción con el nombre Virginia

Tom Petty - Leave Virginia Alone

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Letra de Tom Petty - Leave Virginia Alone

Oh yeah

Well I chased her down the alley
And over the hill to steal her will
She was as hot as Georgia asphalt
When the A crowd came to adore her brain

So leave Virginia alone
Leave Virginia alone
Shes not like you and me
Shes not like you and me

You shouldve seen her back in the city
Poetry and jewels, broke all the rules
She was as high as a Georgia pine tree
Makeup and pills, overdue bills

So leave Virginia alone
Leave Virginia alone
Shes not like you and me
Shes not like you and me

Some sunny day when the hands of time
Have had their way
Youll understand why it was so hard to run away

Shes a loser shes a forgiver
But she still finds good where no one could
You ought to want her more than money
Cadillacs and rust diamonds and dust

So leave Virginia alone
Leave Virginia alone
Shes not like you and me
Shes not like you and me
So leave Virginia alone
Leave Virginia alone
Shes not like you and me
Shes not like you and me

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