Canción con el nombre Jacqueline

The Coral - Jacqueline

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Letra de The Coral - Jacqueline

You left before the rain came down
December was the only sound
All the leaves fell to the ground
When you went away

Its a crying shame to see
A kiss become a memory
Now i know just what you mean
When you say

Way Above
Where the north winds blow
We will watch out afar
To the valley below

Oh Jacqueline I know
Oh Jacqueline I know

A pattern of the ways it seems
Thats the way it has to be
Now I know just what you mean
When you say

Way above
Where the north winds blow
We will watch out afar
To the valley below

Oh Jacqueline I know
Oh Jacqueline I know

The Coven House
Where you now go
It stole our love
Dont you know
Dont you know

Oh Jacqueline Dont go
Oh Jacqueline I know
Oh Jacqueline Dont go
Oh Jacqueline I know

(Thanks to Oscar for these lyrics)

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