Canción con el nombre Lorraine

Sweet Lorraine - Nat King Cole

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Letra de Sweet Lorraine - Nat King Cole

Just found joy Im as happy as a baby boy, baby boy With another brand new choo-choo choy When I met my sweet Lorraine, Lorraine, Lorraine. A pair of eyes That are brighter tham the summer sky When you see them, youll realize Why I love my sweet Lorraine. Now when its rainin, I dont miss the sun Because its in my babys smile, whoa ho. And to think that Im the lucky one That will lead her down the aisle, whoa ho ho. Each night I pray That no one will steal her heart away, I cant wait until that lucky day When I marry sweet Lorraine. Now when its rainin I dont miss the sun Because its in my babys smile, whoa ho. And to think that Im the lucky one That will lead her down the aisle, whoa ho ho. Each night I pray That no one will steal her heart away, I cant wait until that lucky day When I marry sweet Lorraine.

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