Canción con el nombre Sandy

Sandy - John Travolta

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Letra de Sandy - John Travolta

Sandy en español

Stranded at the drivin, branded a fool
What will they say Monday at school?

Sandy, cant you see Im in misery?
We made a start, now were apart
Theres nothing left for me

Love has flown, all alone I sit and wonder why yi-yi-yi
Oh why you left me, oh Sandy, oh Sandy

Baby, someday, when high school is done
Somehow, someway, our two worlds will be one
In heaven forever and ever we will be
Oh, please say youll stay, oh, Sandy!

Sandy, my darlin
You hurt me real bad
You know its true
But, baby, you gotta believe me when I say
Im helpless without you

Love has flown, all alone, I sit
I wonder why yi-yi-yi,
Oh why
You left me,
Oh Sandy
Sandy, Sandy
Why yi-yi-yi

Oh Sandy

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