Canción con el nombre Ruby

Ruby - Ray Charles

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Letra de Ruby - Ray Charles

They say, Ruby youre like a dream
Not always what you seem
And though my heart may break when I awake
Let it be so, I only know
Ruby, its you

They say, Ruby youre like a song
You just dont know right from wrong
And in your eyes I see heartaches for me
Right from the start, who stole my heart?
Ruby, its you

I hear your voice and I must come to you (must come to you)
I have no choice, so what else can I do? (what else can I do?)
They say, Ruby youre like a flame
Into my life you came
And though I should beware, still I just dont care
You thrill me so, I only know
Ruby, its you

(I hear your voice and I must come to you)
(I have no choice, what else can I do?-what can I do?)
They say, Ruby youre like a flame
Into my life you came
And though I should beware, still I dont care
You thrill me so, I only know
Ruby, its you

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