Canción con el nombre Donna

Ritchie Valens - Donna

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Letra de Ritchie Valens - Donna

Oh, Donna, oh, Donna
Oh, Donna, oh, Donna

I had a girl, Donna was her name
Since she left me Ive never been the same
Cause I love my girl
Donna, where can you be?
Where can you be?

Now that youre gone, Im left all alone
All by myself to wander and roam
Cause I love my girl
Donna, where can you be?
Where can you be?

Well, darlin, now that youre gone
I dont know what Ill do
Cause I had all my love for you

I had a girl, Donna was her name
Since she left me Ive never been the same
Cause I love my girl
Donna, where can you be?
Where can you be?

Oh, Donna, oh, Donna
Oh, Donna, oh, Donna

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