Canción con el nombre Paulina

Paulina - No Doubt

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Letra de Paulina - No Doubt

Paulina - Shes on the cover of a magazine
Paulina - A woman in my nightly dreams
Paulina - Who makes me grin in any pose
Paulina - I wish shed take off all her clothes

Paulina - Well I stare at her pictures all day long
Paulina - And as I do I sing this song
Paulina - My father says to act my age
Paulina - As I single handily turn the page

Paulina - Well I paste her pictures on the wall
Paulina - Sit by the phone and hope shell call
Paulina - Although I know she never will
Paulina - To indulge myself is such a thrill

Paulina - Shes the big red apple of my eye
Paulina - I wish shed lay down by my side
Paulina - But if she ever knew my pursuit
Paulina - She would probably file a huge lawsuit

Yeah yeah oh oh oh oh oh

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