Canción con el nombre Pamela

Pamela - Toto

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Letra de Pamela - Toto

Pamela en español

Side by side, Ill be yours forever
Rain or shine, any kind of weather
There isnt anything I wouldnt do for you
Lets take whats getting old and make it new

Oh, eye to eye, its a blinding confrontation
You and I, were a deadly combination
So dont start mixing truth with jealousy
The road were on is clear as far as I can see

Pamela, dont break this heart of mine
Just remember, it may not heal this time
Pamela, there is no second chance, for the one who leaves it all behind, yeah yeah

Black and white always go together
Day and night youre the precious jewel I treasure
Wanting every part of you is not a crime
Or could it be that youre the one whos wrong this time

Pamela, dont break this heart of mine
Just remember, it may not heal this time
Pamela, there is no second chance, for the one who leaves it all behind

All that I love (all that I love)
Thousands of miles away, but always in my heart

Pamela, dont break this heart of mine
Just remember, it may not heal this time
Pamela, there is no second chance, for the one who leaves it all behind

Pamela, dont break this heart of mine
Just remember, it may not heal this time
Pamela, there is no second chance, for the one who leaves it all behind, leave all behind

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