Canción con el nombre Natalie

Natalie - Shirley Bassey

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Letra de Natalie - Shirley Bassey


Hes the man, the man with the Midas touch, a spiders touch.

Such a cold finger; beckons you to enter his web of sin;
But dont go in!

Golden words he will pour in your ear, but his lies cant disguise what you fear, for a golden girl knows when hes kissed her, its the kiss of death, from Mr. Goldfinger;

Pretty girl, beware of his heart of gold, his heart is cold!

Golden words he will pour in your ear, but his lies cant disguise what you fear, for a golden girl knows when hes kissed her, its the kiss of death, from Mr. Goldfinger;

Pretty girl, beware of his heart of gold, his heart is cold!

He loves only gold
only gold
only gold
he loves only gold
he loves gold
he loves only gold
only gold
He loves Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold!!!!!

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