Canción con el nombre Michael

MGMT - Me and Michael

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Letra de MGMT - Me and Michael

Not everyone can be like me and Michael
The only problem is forgetting which side youre on
So you think the burning light will reappear on summer nights
Like all the rest, but they cant find out

In every scene, its me and Michael
Imaginary bombs raining down from the clouds
So it seems the losing side will never let the feelings die
When all the best and brightest have gone

Me and Michael
Solid as they come
Me and Michael
Its not a question now
Its me and Michael
Solid as they come
Me and Michael
Its not a question now
Me and Michael

Not every soul will sink like the setting sun
Too happy with ourselves to notice when the change will come
So you think the losing side would never break the fine lines
When sanctity wasnt a thing of doubt

Me and Michael
Solid as they come
Me and Michael
Its not a question now
Its me and Michael
Solid as they come
Me and Michael
Its not a question now
Me and Michael

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