Canción con el nombre Maggie

Maggie - Colin Hay

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Letra de Maggie - Colin Hay

When I first set eyes on you
First you beat me up, then you kissed me too
Wed throw stones into the sea
There were no others there, just you and me
Across the bridge and down the lane
I knew I loved you then, you said you did the same

Oh Maggie, what have you done
I shoulda seen it comin, to your side Id run
Oh Maggie, come to me tonight
I will wait up for you, make sure youre alright

I miss you

You taught me how to sink or swim
When I was scared that day, you just pushed me in
And when nobody was around
You let me kiss you then, there the love I found
I said Id never let you go
You just smiled at me, how was I to know?

Oh Maggie, what am I to do?
How can I live with only memories of you
Oh Maggie, tell me the truth
When your ship was sinking did you think it through?

I miss you

You were the fountain of my youth
And when I fumbled, you showed me what to do
And when we were both seventeen
You left me standin there, but you were never mean
And when I saw you out with him
He looked much older and you looked very thin

I hadnt heard from you in years
And then your mama called, she couldnt speak for tears
She said you left me a note
Inside my pocket burns with these words you wrote

Hey darling boy, dont you cry for me
I am forever yours now that I am free
Well be together, throw stones into the sea
Therell be no others there, just you and me

I miss you
Maggies gone

I think you came the other night
You stroked my brow, your eyes were full of light
It may have only been a dream
But I would walk with you to places I never have been

Maggies gone

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