Canción con el nombre Mike

Mac Demarco - Moving Like Mike

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Letra de Mac Demarco - Moving Like Mike

Take a step to the left and youre alright, got the snake skins on
Another step to the right in the moonlight, shake it all night long

You really gotta let it all hang loose when youre moving like Mike
You really gotta let me shake my boots when youre moving like Mike
So come on baby, let it all hang out when youre moving like Mike
So come on baby, let me hear you shout when youre moving like Mike

Dipping down to the slow spotlight, baby, take my hand
Another step to the right in the moonlight, baby, Im your man

You really gotta let it all hang loose when youre moving like Mike
You really gotta let me shake my boots when youre moving like Mike
So come on baby, let it all hang out when youre moving like Mike
So come on baby, let me hear you shout when youre moving like Mike

You really gotta let it all hang loose when youre moving like Mike
You really gotta let me shake my boots when youre moving like Mike
So come on baby, let it all hang out when youre moving like Mike
So come on baby, let me hear you shout when youre moving like Mike

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