Canción con el nombre Michelle

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Michelle

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Letra de Lynyrd Skynyrd - Michelle

Michelle, little girl I need you baby more than the air I breathe
My love for you grows stronger babe
My words you must believe
Well I need to see you laugh again and I want to see you smile
Michelle, little girl I love you baby youre my only child

Michelle, little girl the pain for you is hurting me inside
At night I think of you sometimes I lean my head and cry
I need to see you laugh again and I want to see you smile
Michelle, little girl I love you baby youre my only child

Michelle, little girl I need you baby more than the air I breathe
My love for you grows stronger babe
My words you must believe
Well I need to see you laugh again and I want to see you smile
Michelle, little girl I love you baby youre my only child

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