Canción con el nombre Louise

Louise - The Yardbirds

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Letra de Louise - The Yardbirds

Thats a triffle obvious, girl
Telling me you dont belong in this world
Telling me as I fall flat on my face
In any case, thats your fall from grace
I know these melodramatics dont make things all right
Nor will they make you see things in a different light

Youre a very pretty girl, Louise
But are the things you say just meant to tease
Im doubled up on bended knees
Tell me, precious, tell me please
I know these melodramatics dont make things all right
Nor will they make you see things in a in a different light

And you can bite your lip
Til the blood ran red
Theyre still such crazy things
To have said

Have a wonderful birthday, dear
Such a wonderful birthday, dear
It only comes but once a year
Ill spoil your party with a punky sneer
I know these melodramtics will make things alright
Nor will they make you see things in a different light

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