Canción con el nombre Lili

Lili Marleen - Perry Como

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Letra de Lili Marleen - Perry Como

[English Version]

Outside the barracks, by the corner light,
Ill always stand and wait for you at night,
we will create a world for two,
Ill wait for you the whole night through,
for you, Lili Marleen,
for you, Lili Marleen.

Bugle tonight dont play the call to arms,
I want another evening with her charms,
then we will say goodbye and part,
Ill always keep you in my heart,
with me, Lili Marleen,
with me, Lili Marleen.

Give me a rose to show how much you care,
tie to the stem a lock of golden hair,
surely tomorrow youll feel blue,
but then will come a love thats new,
for you, Lili Marleen,
for you, Lili Marleen.

When we are marching in the mud and cold,
and when my pack seems more than I can hold,
my love for you renews my might,
Im warm again, my pack is light,
its you, Lili Marleen,
its you, Lili Marleen.

[German Version]

Vor der Kaserne vor dem grossen Tor
Stand eine Laterne und steht sie noch davor
Dort wollen wir uns wiedersehn
Bei der Laterne wolln wir stehn
Wie einst

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