Canción con el nombre Mariel

Liber Teran - Mariel

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Letra de Liber Teran - Mariel

One day they forced me on a boat
and told me that i had no vote
in what i could and could not do
they took me to the market square
and threw me on that wooden stair
i sang aloud the broken hallelujah

the white men stared and thought about
which of us they wanted in their house
to do the dirty work and hard labor
i prayed they wouldnt split us up
i guess i didnt pray enough
we cried as we sang the broken hallelujah

the sound of whips was my lullaby
my knees were weak i could not cry
because of the brutal consequences
our master he would beat us all
the screams were a helpless call
wed bleed and sing the broken hallelujah

we whispered about paradise
but our master was as cold as ice
there was no way to escape this life of torture
we heard in the north that freedom reigns
no blood no tears no rusty chains
we sing in hope of the broken hallelujah

at last i tried to escape that night
they caught and hung me in the light
all watched while i screamed, god save me
but now im free from all the fear
remember that the end is near
i song alone the hallelujah

(Dank an Girlgonewild für den Text)

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