Canción con el nombre Katherine

Katherine - The Lost Pines

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Letra de Katherine - The Lost Pines

Im gonna leave this desert town
For California
The people there just seem more important
I dont have much of anything
But a big heart and this stupid dream
For once, Id like to feel important

And hey, I could leave in a day
But I just cant wait until I do

But it wasnt hard to choose
The right thing to do
And the truth is I thought it over
Time for something new

I cant move
Im stuck in traffic
My cough hurts from the smog that caused it
But maybe today Ill see a star

And, hey, I could leave in a aday
But I just cant wait until I do

El Pasos a memory
Its way too hard for me
That life is a memory

I said, its way too hard for me

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