Canción con el nombre Karen

Karen - Mika

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Letra de Karen - Mika

Karen en español

Karen has 20 years , Karen is nothing else
And the time already runs through his fingers ,
Leaning on the bar , street of Martyrs, at 82
Karen takes stock .
She wants a better life,
His brothers and sisters,
Who have returned to the ranks

Karen said that Paris is great,
Another life awaits ,
She said she will buy it.
Karen still put on red,
From her lips and she moves.
She says she is better than that,
Karen in crazy : shes free ! shes free!
Karen says she is a star
Layer with assholes
She says she fra envious .
Karen always toast cheers,
Sing the songs of others ,
Sings his dreams and ours.
Sings at Bistro 82.

Karen has 30 years, but it has nothing else to do ,
Even children , not even dust.
She lives with her ​​mother , just two blocks from 82
One day love came .
He knocked on her door, she shouted , asking ,
But I will not open to strangers.

Karen said that Paris is great,
Another life awaits ,
She said she will buy it.
Karen then put on the red
Her lips and she moves
She says she is better than that.
Karen in crazy : shes free ! shes free!
Karen says she is a star
Layer with assholes
She says she fra envious .
Karen always toast cheers,
Sing the songs of others ,
Sings his dreams and ours
Sings at Bistro 82.
Sings at Bistro 82.
Sings at Bistro 82.

Karen is 50 years old , no alloc , no money ,
She smokes and coughs a little white bed .
She said she will have a drink,
At 82, she died just before setting .
On his rotten old mattress
This dog spring
Which falls into his flanks.

Karen says that life is hard,
Goes straight into the wall,
She says that will not stop .
Karen then put on black,
Close your eyes and bar
Without understanding why ,
Karen goes : it is free ! it is free !
Its free! Its free!
Its free! Its free!

Karen says she is a star
Layer with assholes
She says she fra envious .
Karen always toast cheers,
Sing the songs of others ,
Sings his dreams and ours
Sings at Bistro 82.
Sings at Bistro 82.
Sings at Bistro 82.

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