Canción con el nombre Janet

Janet - The Commodores

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Letra de Janet - The Commodores

Tearing me apart
Somehow I just dont care
Shes playing with my heart
But Janets so aware

And people tell me, she keeps telling you lies
I guess they wonder how I stand it, oh
But when I look in her eyes
I know its love the way I planned it, I believe in Janet

Janet, they dont understand it
The whole world must be wrong
I gave my heart to Janet
And she wont lead me on, Janet, oh, Janet

There could never be
Another girl like Janet
Its only her and me
Together on this planet

And people tell me, she keeps telling you lies
I guess they wonder how I stand it, oh, yeah
But when I look in her eyes
I know its love the way I planned it, I believe in Janet

Janet, they dont understand it
The whole world must be wrong
I gave my heart to Janet
And she wont lead me on, Janet, oh, Janet

Why cant they see
Without her thered be no reason to go on and on
As long as she stays with me
Ill keep holding on, I believe in Janet

Janet, they dont understand it
The whole world must be wrong
I gave my heart to Janet
And she wont lead me on

Janet, Ja-Janet, they dont understand it
The whole world must be wrong
I gave my heart to Janet
And she wont lead me on

Janet, they dont understand it
The whole world must be wrong
I gave my heart to Janet
And she wont lead me on

Janet, they dont understand it
The whole world must be wrong

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