Canción con el nombre Susie

Elton John - Susie

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Letra de Elton John - Susie

I got frostbitten in the winter
Ice skating on the river
With my pretty little black-eyed girl
Shed make your darn toes curl just to see her

I got a fringe front on my buggy
I got a frisky little colt in a hurry
And a pretty little black-eyed Suzie by my side

Well she sure knows how to use me
Pretty little black-eyed Suzie
Playing hooky with my heart all the time
Living with her funky family
In a derelict old alley
Down by the river where we share a little loving in the moonshine

Im an old hayseed harp player
Im the hit of the county fair
With my pretty little black-eyed girl
Living proof as she swirls
Shes a dancer

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