Canción con el nombre Edith

Edith - Rachael Yamagata

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Letra de Edith - Rachael Yamagata

Oh Edith
Youll never know how much I wanted you
It was not appropriate...

Oh Edith
I loved you like a movie star
Driving in your car
Counting the waves with the top down

Oh Edith
I loved you like a waterfall
But you dont know this
I never told you...

And I think of you
Whenever street lamps die
And I think of you
No matter hot I try
You doubted my tears
Haunted me for years

Dont you know... know...dont you know
Dont you know you murder me

Oh Edith
Do you ever think of me
When youre waking from a dream
Or walking down an alley way

I wanted to send you some rain for your birthday
But it wasnt up to me
Oh thats how it had to be
Not up to me

Oh Edith
You murder me
You murder me

And I miss you...
I miss you...
Miss you...

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