Canción con el nombre Sol

Doña Sol - Conchita Piquer

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Letra de Doña Sol - Conchita Piquer

On our knees we pray
As we waste away
And we dig our grave
Dead on arrival

I cant breathe
Got my head on the guillotine
Slipknot around my neck come and take a seat
Watch em bury me down til Im six feet deep in the underground
Dead is the land of the free
Dont give just take every time you need
Dont give just take though its killin me
Dont give just take every time you need
Dont give just take

On our knees we pray
As we waste away
And we dig our grave
Dead on arrival
In this mess we made
Fill our lungs with hate
Just to numb the pain
Dead on arrival, dead on arrival, dead on arrival

I cant breathe
I keep treadin the water
Am I not worth saving?
But were all goin under
Am I not worth saving?
Dont give just take every time you need
Dont give just take though its killin me
Dont give just take every time you need
Dont give just take

On our knees we pray
As we waste away
And we dig our grave
Dead on arrival
In this mess we made
Fill our lungs with hate
Just to numb the pain
Dead on arrival, dead on arrival, dead on arrival

I cant breathe
Am I not worth saving?
Am I not worth saving?
On our knees we pray
As we waste away
And we dig our grave
Dead on arrival
In this mess we made
Fill our lungs with hate
Just to numb the pain
Dead on arrival

Dead on arrival, dead on arrival
(Dead) (Dead) (Dead) (Dead)
(Dead) (Dead) (Dead) (Dead)

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