Canción con el nombre Deborah

Deborah - Jon Anderson & Vangelis

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Letra de Deborah - Jon Anderson & Vangelis

I read your letter
I got it just the other day
You seem so happy
So funny how time melts away
Its such a pleasure to see you growing
And how youre sending your love
Through the air today
I think of heaven
Each time I see you walking there
And as youre walking
I think of children everywhere
Its in your star sign
Youre growing stronger
I cant believe you
Its so good to care
Through enchantment, into sunlight
Angels touched your eyes
Your highness, electric, so surprised
Is this your first life?
It seems as though you have lived before
You help me hold on
You have a heart like an open door
You sing so sweetly
My love adores you
She does, shes thinking of you right now
I know
The summers coming
Ill keep in touch so youre not alone
Then like a Swallow, youll fly away
Like birds have flown
So let me tell you
How much I love you
Id make the songbirds sing
For you again
Well now its good night
Sweet angel, read this letter well

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