Canción con el nombre Clare

Clare - Fairground Attraction

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Letra de Clare - Fairground Attraction

My babys love is called Clare
Serpentine seductress, I cant compare
My babys love is merciless to me
Wailing like a hussy and laughing drunkenly

And over the rooftops when the stars prickle the skies
London is sleeping and the Mississippi moon shines
I hear them making love
I hear them making love

Clare was born in New Orleans
She grew up in the bars of Bourbon Street
Back in the days of Marie Laveau
She learnt the ways of that old voodoo

And over the rooftops when the stars prickle the skies
London is sleeping and the Mississippi moon shines
I hear them making love
I hear them making love

And over the rooftops when the stars prickle the skies
London is sleeping and the Mississippi moon shines
I hear them making love
I hear them making love

I hear them making love
I hear them making love
I hear them making love

I hear them making love
I hear them making love

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