Canción con el nombre Elaine

Cherie and Marie - Elaine

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Letra de Cherie and Marie - Elaine

I used to know this girl Marie
and so the story goes, she never really talked to me
Her house was seven blocks away
On my way to school I went to see if shes okay

Tell me, where have you gone
Where have you gone, Marie
Why did you leave
Come back to me, Cherie
I know you went away
You went away, Marie
You cannot stay
You cannot stay, Cherie
Please stay with me, Marie Cherie
Here in me

Oh no, I did not treat you right
Youre in the senses lost, you never had the chance to fly
She looked so pretty, like a dream
Her skins like velvet cream, she never made a sweet sixteen

Nobody came around to see her
It was as if she was not there
A lone butterfly thats caught in a net (?)

Tell me, where have you gone
Where have you gone, Marie
Why did you leave
Come back to me, Cherie
I know you went away
You went away, Marie
You cannot stay
You cannot stay, Cherie
Please stay with me, Marie Cherie
Here in me

I know you went away
You went away, Marie
You cannot stay
You cannot stay, Cherie
Tell me, where have you gone
Where have you gone, Marie
Why did you leave
Come back to me, Cherie
I know you went away
You went away, Marie
You cannot stay
You cannot stay, Cherie
Please stay with me, Marie Cherie
Here in me

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