Canción con el nombre Charlotte

Charlotte - Huey Mack

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Letra de Charlotte - Huey Mack

Yeah, December 1991
Charlotte Michael and Rick Cisely they gave birth to a son, uh
Named him Joseph Don Cisely and Rick packed his bags
Bet he didnt even miss me
My mom took abuse but always did what she had to do
To keep the food on the table and put me through school
Started saving up to move away cause she was scared
When Rick found out, he threw her down the stairs
Never understood how much she really cared
And no matter the circumstance, momma was always there
Even when it wasnt, she made everything fine
Nearly threw away her life just so I could have mine
And in the second grade I went to court and had my name changed
Now me and your father, we have the same name
And even though I never show it to you,
I appreciate everything you went through
And I just want to say: thank you

Life has ups and downs
People, they come and go
But even when youre not around, Im always going to keep you close
Its not about what we came from, its who we end up to be
But just know I love you, just like you love me

In the third grade, moved to my cousins in Tennessee
Only for three months, aint know why I had to leave
Bags packed, tears rush, my heart was beating
I was scared and alone, I remember the feeling
I thought my momma didnt want me no more
I remember sitting crying on the living room floor
Thinking Ill never see you again
So young, heartbroken at the thought that I just lost my best friend
Found out a couple years ago that you were sick
And you just didnt want me to see you like this
And now youre sick again, but momma the only difference is
Ill be by your side till the end, cause I gotta repay you

Life has ups and downs
People, they come and go
But even when youre not around, Im always going to keep you close
Its not about what we came from, its who we end up to be
But just know I love you, just like you love me

You taught me to always respect women
And I got the utmost respect after you raising two children all alone
I swear Ill never let my wife do the same
I swear Ill never let nobody ever have that pain
I got a girl and I love that you love her
Only approval I ever need is the one from my mother
You told me stay in school and be a doctor or lawyer
But still stuck with me when I became my own employer
Now things changed and I dont see you as much
But never a day pass you dont have all my love
And if a moment comes when you think you aint got it
Know theres a photo of you in my waller
Like thats my momma

Life has ups and downs
People, they come and go
But even when youre not around, Im always going to keep you close
Its not about what we came from, its who we end up to be
But just know I love you, just like you love me

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